Posts tagged Tim Walz

BDBB – An interview with Rep. Engen on Uber-Lyft Controversy

On this episode of The Break Down with Brodkorb and Becky, Michael Brodkorb and Becky Scherr break down the following:

The Break Down with Brodkorb and Becky will return with a new episode next week.

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Why I am voting for Governor Tim Walz

Let me explain my voting philosophy over the last ten years. Elections are about contrast; they are not held in a vacuum. I believe in the two-party system; I don’t believe in writing in candidates or voting for third-party candidates.

On Election Day, my vote will either be cast for the DFL or Republican candidate for partisan office.

As I get older, I become more of an idealist regarding government and politics. I’m less partisan than I was in the past. I still consider myself a Republican, but I think of myself as “politically homeless” because I don’t feel at home or even comfortable inside the Republican Party of today.

Aside from becoming an idealist, I’m also an eternal optimist. I’m a glass-half-full, partly sunny instead of a party cloudy person.

I don’t vote based on party labels but rather on the candidate’s qualities. Unlike my past voting behavior, which was robotic and partisan, I have spent the last decade taking a more thoughtful and deliberative approach to voting.

My evolution in voting has created friction and tension between myself and my more partisan Republican friends. I’m sure this post will generate more disagreements, but I stand by my decision.

In the race for governor between DFL-incumbent Governor Tim Walz and Republican Dr. Scott Jensen, I will be voting on Election Day for Governor Tim Walz.

If you’ve followed my analysis and commentary on social media, I’ve been clear about my concerns with the candidacy of Scott Jensen. I decided long ago that I would not be voting for Jensen.

But it was the final debate between Walz and Jensen – on October 28, 2022 – when I decided that I would vote for Walz AND that I would be public with my decision. I want to explain why.

As I listened to Walz and Jensen’s debate for the final time, I wanted to hear the closing message from both candidates.

I was struck by how many times Jensen kept bringing up COVID-19 in the debate. In a recent poll of likely issues that will influence how people will vote to come into the election, the “COVID Response” poll was at 2 percent – behind “Not Sure” at 3 percent.

Why would a candidate spend so much time in his final debate with his opponent talking about an issue that isn’t important to voters? Because it’s Jensen’s top issue.

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