Front seat on the Corkscrew at @valleyfairmn is a great start to the end of summer weekend.
Just laying down in one of the glass boxes which hang 1,353 feet in the air (103 stories) above downtown Chicago at the Willis (Sears) Tower.
Happy birthday America!
We saw the @oscarmayer Weinermobile on the highway. I had to “ketchup” to get a picture. No buns about it, that’s one big wiener!
This picture by the kids made me smile today. #maythe4thbewithyou
You’re just as beautiful as the first day we met. I’ve missed you over the last few months. I’ve been so cold without you. This is going to be the best year of our relationship. We have so much to accomplish. Welcome back!
My smiley face chocolate chip pancakes for the kids need some work.
Plugged in my new #nesclassic today and realized I have hair like Don Flamenco. The 13-year-old me would be bummed.