Don’t judge me. I just happen to believe 20 packages of Big League Chew and two 53 ounce jars of gumballs is a reasonable amount of gum for the summer sports season.
Say ‘hello’ to my little friend
Meet my little friend. A barking dog in the street was blocking the path to the pond. My little friend is now back at the pond.
Gold medal for 2019 Independent Book Publisher Award
Behind the glass is my gold medal for being awarded a 2019 Independent Publisher Book Award in True Crime for my book The Girls Are Gone. My writing partner and I worked hard on our book and it feels good to be acknowledged with this award.
I had an amazing week on a much-needed vacation with my family. Every moment was special, but my favorite was swimming with Akai – a bottlenose dolphin. I need more dolphins in my life.
A beautiful snowy day in Minnesota
Today is a beautiful snowy day in Minnesota. Enjoy.
‘Dad, why is there a phone on the wall?’
Seeing a function payphone triggered a number of questions by my children. They were seriously confused about the inability to send text messages and seeing a stand-alone phone that just made phone calls.
School was canceled, so we partied like the Who
The evidence of a late-night junk food binge to celebrate school being canceled because of the weather. We like to believe we partied like the Who.
My kids are living in 3019 as they use a straw to get the melted butter deep inside the popcorn bucket.