BDBB – An interview with Will Marshall

On this bonus episode of The Break Down with Brodkorb and Becky, Michael Brodkorb and Becky Scherr talk with Will Marshall, president and founder of the Progressive Policy Institute (PPI).

The PPI connects ideas and political action and maintains close relationships with New Democrats in Congress, as well as leading governors and a host of dynamic mayors and metro leaders.

Michael and Becky break down two recent op-eds Will authored in The Hill. First, “Why working families aren’t sold on Bidenomics” and “Democrats need a post-populist economics“ and get into his – and the Institute’s – stance regarding tech issues and policy.

We will then break down the dynamics of the 2024 cycle, and Will’s take on what a winning message looks like for working families.

The Break Down with Brodkorb and Becky will return with a new episode later this week.

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BDBB – Recap of Jensen’s interview and reforming the GOP

On this episode of The Break Down with Brodkorb and Becky, Michael Brodkorb and Becky Scherr break down the following:

  • 00:02:00 – A panel discussion with former Rep. Kelly Fenton, Leslie Rosedahl, and Jill Vujovich-Laabs about Dr. Scott Jensen’s interview and reforming the Republican Party of Minnesota.
  • 01:00:02 – A critique of the roll-out of the “Suburban Solutions Caucus.”
  • 01:22:58 – A mini-version of the Food Fight with Brodkorb and Becky and guests – Top Halloween Candy
  • 01:26:15 – A recap of the panel discussion.

The Break Down with Brodkorb and Becky will return with a new episode next week.

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In the news: Republican Party of Minnesota’s fundraising

I spoke to the Star Tribune about the current fundraising position of the Republican Party of Minnesota. I’ve been a critic of the Republican Party of Minnesota’s operations, and I was quoted in this story saying the party needed to raise money. Having nearly $200K in its federal account is precisely what the party needs to be doing. This is a good sign and an indication of a focused party operation.

The Republican Party of Minnesota was in rough financial shape nearly halfway through the year, having about $54 in its federal campaign account and about $336,000 in debt at the end of May.

The low cash balance raised eyebrows and alarm among state GOP activists who feared the party wasn’t rebounding from being swept by Democrats in last year’s election.

But the party’s top leader says fundraising has picked up now that Republicans can point to the results of the recent legislative session and make the argument that Democrats overreached. A financial report filed with the Federal Election Commission on Thursday showed the Minnesota GOP had close to $200,000 in its federal campaign account at the end of June — along with about $361,000 in debt.

“It has improved markedly since people have looked at the results of the last legislative session,” Minnesota GOP Chair David Hann said of the party’s fundraising. “[Democrats] said they were going to return the surplus. They said they were going to cut taxes. … None of it got done.”

The GOP, which hasn’t won a statewide race since 2006, will need all the cash it can get as it heads into a presidential election year in which U.S. Democratic Sen. Amy Klobuchar’s seat and control of the state House of Representatives will also be up for grabs. Its counterpart, the Minnesota DFL Party, reported having about $781,000 in its federal campaign account at the end of June and no debt.

“The next few months for the Republican Party in Minnesota … are going to be the most important that they have in front of them,” said Michael Brodkorb, former deputy chair of the Minnesota GOP. “They have to raise money. They have to figure out their direction.”

Hann said the party’s low cash balance wasn’t as bleak as it looked. Political parties raise money so they can spend it, not hold onto it in their accounts, and that’s what the state GOP has been doing to set its candidates up for success next year, he said.

Click here to read the complete story from Star Tribune.

BDBB – An interview with Dr. Scott Jensen

On this episode of The Break Down with Brodkorb and Becky, Michael Brodkorb, Becky Scherr, and special guest co-host Jeff Kolb break down the following:

  • 00:01:12 – An interview with Dr. Scott Jensen about his race for governor, the GOP endorsement process, the politics of abortion, and abortion policy in Minnesota.
  • 01:21:23 – A recap of the interview with Jensen.
  • 01:32:21 – “Food Fight with Brodkorb and Becky” – Top Sandwiches
  • 01:51:21 – Tweets of The Week.

The Break Down with Brodkorb and Becky will return with a new episode next week.

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BDBB – A break down about carjackings with Patrick Connolly

On this episode of The Break Down with Brodkorb and Becky, Michael Brodkorb, Becky Scherr, and special guest co-host Jeff Kolb break down the following:

  • 01:40  – The return of Michael Brodkorb
  • 11:56 – A candid interview with Patrick Connolly about how his family went from anger to action in response to being a carjacking victim.
  • 1:01:51 – “Food Fight with Brodkorb and Becky” – Top Condiments
  • 1:07:23 – Recap of the interview with Patrick, Jeff shares why he is justifiably angry about public safety and our Tweets of The Week.

The Break Down with Brodkorb and Becky will return next week with Michael Brodkorb and a new episode.

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BDBB – A “best of” break down with Pat Kessler and Kyler Potter

Due to the July 4th holiday, this week’s episode of The Break Down with Brodkorb and Becky will feature a previously aired discussion Becky Scherr and Michael Brodkorb had with one of the most respected Minnesota journalists, Pat Kessler.

This week’s “Food Fight with Brodkorb and Becky” will feature Becky Scherr, special guest co-host Jeff Kolb, and Kyle Potter, Editor In Chief at Thrifty Traveler. The food fight is over Taco Bell’s menu items – past and present.

The Break Down with Brodkorb and Becky will return next week with Michael Brodkorb and a new episode.

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